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As demand for new therapy options and curiosity about alternative products both reach a peak, ketamine business owners are finding themselves in a unique and somewhat complex position – how to market their business, and especially, how to stay relevant online.

Promoting a company in the psychedelics industry is a challenge, so what are the best options for successful ketamine marketing? Let’s take a deep dive into the world of digital marketing for ketamine clinics and similar businesses.

Ketamine Marketing – Industry Overview

The global Ketamine market is expected to show tremendous growth over the next few years. In 2021, the market was valued at USD 132.43 million. With an anticipated compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 75.52%, we should see the market size reach roughly USD 3.871 billion by 2027.

Some big names in the pharmaceutical industry are looking favorably toward ketamine therapy, including Pfizer and Segens.

Ketamine clinics struggled a bit during 2023, both with marketing and implementation. This is probably due largely to prohibitively high costs and patient scheduling constraints. Some well-known companies that provide in-person ketamine therapy sessions include:

  • Field Trip Health/Stella Centers,
  • Integrative Psychiatry Centers,
  • Klarity Clinic,
  • and Ember Health.

At-home treatment services thrived comparatively. Companies like MindBloom, Nue Life, and Wondermed are doing well tapping into the underserved patient demographic who prefer to use these products in the comfort of their own homes.

Key Challenges in Ketamine Marketing

Just like promoting a mushroom or cannabis business, Ketamine companies face similar marketing challenges that sometimes require a bit a creativity to work around.

It’s important to be careful and intentional with your ketamine advertising campaigns. Otherwise, you can lose money, lose access to various advertising platforms, and ultimately, lose your business.

Regulatory Hurdles

Let’s start with regulatory constraints, which are a big issue when marketing ketamine, especially online. Even though ketamine is federally legal to use as an anesthetic, and off-label use is permissible and common in this industry, the advertising landscape remains difficult.

Most websites will not allow a company to advertise a product for something other than its FDA-approved use. It was a big problem in the cannabis industry when Epidiolex, a CBD-based medication, gained FDA approval to treat seizures associated with two rare and severe forms of epilepsy, Lennox-Gastaut syndrome and Dravet syndrome.

After that, many companies received “cease and desist” letters because they were selling CBD and marketing it for something other than its approved use. And this is a problem in the ketamine industry as well.

One the best legal ways to market your ketamine business is by utilizing the correct digital marketing strategies, including ketamine search engine optimization (SEO),

Public Perception

Another issue is public perception. Because it is a once-illegal “psychedelic”, and also synthetic, some people are reluctant to consider it a valid treatment option. With hallucinogens, it seems the general public will more readily accept natural entheogens rather than synthetics. Also, because there is the potential for abuse of ketamine, some remain skeptical about more widespread use.

Essential Strategies for Effective Ketamine Marketing

When it comes to ketamine clinic marketing, or any type of marketing for that matter, you want to make sure you’re not wasting your time or resources. That means, you’ll want to get a solid game plan from the beginning, and make sure you’re following that plan as closely as possible.

Let’s take a closer look at some important things to consider during your ketamine marketing journey.

Know Your Audience and Educate Them

First things first, be sure to clearly understand your patient/consumer demographics. What is the target age range? Income and education level? Ailments/medical conditions they wish to treat? Do they have prior experience with ketamine?

Knowing your audience is crucial for mapping out the rest of your ketamine marketing strategy.

You will also need to leverage whatever educational content you have at your disposal including blogs, articles, and videos. The goal is to educate potential patients by creating content that is engaging, interactive, and well-researched. This will help build trust in both your brand, and the ketamine industry as a whole.

Online Presence and Website Optimization

In today’s world, online presence can really make or break a business, and of course this applies to ketamine clinic marketing as well. No one will give a second thought to a company whose website is full of errors, is challenging to use, loads slowly, etc.

It ruins the user’s experience and casts a shadow of doubt over your company’s legitimacy. With online ketamine marketing, the last thing you want to do is look like you’re not even trying.

But it doesn’t end there. You can put all the work possible into your site, but it does nothing for you if no one sees it. This is where search engine optimization comes into play.

The concept is easy to understand – make your website appealing to Google and other search engines. But the application of these principles can be much more difficult than many business owners realize.

That’s why it’s so important to learn as much as possible about Ketamine SEO (which we will cover more in a separate article coming out next week). Don’t be scared to hire a professional to best optimize your page if needed.

Social Media Engagement

Once you have your website all figured out, it’s time to consider your social media plans. Over the last few years, social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter/X have become a very prominent way in which consumers learn about new products and ideas.

The problem is that it can be a challenge to promote a product like Ketamine while staying within compliance boundaries. This is because most social media platforms do not allow companies to promote certain adult products, even if they are legal.

It might be a good start to work with influencers and social media managers who have some experience with ketamine clinic online marketing or similar projects.

Email Marketing

Email marketing is last on the list, but certainly not the least important by any means. Building relationships with potential patients through informative newsletters is one of the best ways to get repeat business.

While marketing ketamine via email might seem a bit old school, it’s still quite effective. Recent data shows that 31% of B2B marketers say that sending email newsletters is the best way to nurture leads.

Choosing the Right Ketamine Marketing Agency

If you decide to work with a ketamine marketing agency, then congratulations! That means you’re well on your way to creating wealth and stability for your company. That said, you’ll want to make sure the company you choose knows what they’re doing.

The agency you work with should be familiar with both modern marketing tactics, as well as the ins and outs of the ketamine industry.

Ketamine Marketing Services by BV

Here at BV, we are much more than just a standard marketing agency. We specialize in the digital growth and prosperity of cannabis and psychedelics brands and products, including ketamine.

Our team of psychedelic marketing experts have spent over ten years learning how to navigate the complex world of promotions and advertising in these industries.

Not only is working with ketamine unique compared to most other products, it’s also different than working with other psychedelics as the laws governing ketamine are quite different than most other hallucinogens. We are familiar with these nuances, and are well-equipped to help you navigate them.

We have a proven track record and can typically offer up to 5x ROI when using our services. Our comprehensive online marketing packages include:

  • digital strategy,
  • search engine optimization,
  • website design and development,
  • social media marketing,
  • email marketing,
  • paid traffic campaigns,
  • and more.

We work closely with our customers to make sure we really understand your needs, that way, we can create a customized marketing package just for you. Figuring out how to navigate the landscape of digital marketing for ketamine clinics and at-home treatment providers should be the least of your concerns. Schedule a call to learn more about our ketamine marketing services.

Closing thoughts on Ketamine Marketing

Ketamine marketing, particularly online, can be overwhelming – there is no doubt about that. You will need to be familiar with state and federal regulations and various aspects of online marketing to make it work.

If it’s not something you’re willing to take on by yourself, our professional team at BV is here to help. We make sure to keep in regular communication with our customers, zero-in on all the latest marketing trends, and stay current on industry regulations.

With a history of success in this field, you can rest assured that your ketamine business is in good hands when you choose us for your marketing needs.

Schedule a free consultation today! 

Alexandra Hicks

Experienced writer, journalist, and editor with a passion for covering cannabis and psychedelics industry topics. I have been working in the cannabis industry for over a decade - starting as a budtender at a Prop 215 dispensary in Southern California, then working on various advertising and marketing projects for dispensaries and online retailers, some volunteer advocacy work with local non-profits, and eventually, moved into writing and editing to help spread the word about the many benefits of using these products.