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The world of sports betting is experiencing a rapid transition. While traditionally marketed towards men, it has recently begun to attract female sports enthusiasts to participate in the action. This article explores marketing sports betting to women for new business opportunities.

Why Target Women in Sports Betting?

Understanding the sports betting market demographics is crucial for a successful marketing strategy. The increasing interest in women’s sports presents an incredible opportunity for expansion in the betting industry. Attracting female sports bettors can increase your business market growth while giving you access to a larger pool of potential customers. 

By engaging women in sports betting, your company will promote stronger customer loyalty as their pool of consumers grows. Understanding women’s interests and preferences gives your company an advantage, as you are responsive to changing market dynamics and build long-term relationships. 

Understanding Women in Sports Betting

People from all walks of life have different incentives for getting involved in sports betting. Men are often driven by competition, while women may be more invested in the social aspect. However, they share a common denominator: loving the thrill of winning. 

Sports bettors alike differ in the types of sports games and bets they choose, which is crucial for companies to acknowledge. For example, while some men might prefer betting on sports such as football and basketball, women might opt for sports like women’s basketball and women’s soccer.

It is in a companies best interest to do market research and analyze what interests women and what might draw them to sign up for your company. Demographics play a considerable role in the preference for certain types of bets, such as prop bets, live betting, futures, or parlays. Recognizing and catering to these preferences can help businesses attract and retain female bettors. What are effective strategies for marketing sports betting to women? 

Effective Strategies for Marketing Sports Betting to Women

  1. Tailored Marketing Messages: It is crucial to construct messages that women can relate to. Messages with themes of empowerment and enjoyment can establish a deeper relationship with all women. 
  2. Promotions and Offers: Designing offers and rewards that align with women’s interests can be a beneficial way of maintaining customer loyalty. Special bonuses and rewards exclusively tailored just for women can be a lucrative marketing campaign.  
  3. Creating an Inclusive Environment: Creating a welcoming and inclusive environment is vital for building a women’s betting community. Women will trust and stick to your brand by ensuring a safe and diverse environment.   

Tools Women Can Use For Betting 

There are three sports betting tools that I use to improve my viewing and betting experience for all sporting events:

  • RithmmAI sports betting picks for finding the best bets and building custom betting models. The company has also recently began offering WNBA AI predictions which have taken my viewing experience and betting on the WNBA to another level. 
  • What Women Want in Sports Betting,” written by Betting Ladies, is a novel that explores female views in regards to gambling. The book shares stories and interviews that provide insights into how women truly feel about the industry. It is a great resource and continues to promote and explain sports betting to current and interested female bettors.    
  • Juice Reel – Best odds across 300+ sports books for every type of bet and live leaderboard. Juice Reel is the best sports betting tool and bet tracker app that i’ve used to date.  

Engaging Women in Sports Betting

  1. Digital Marketing Strategies: A strategy taken on by sports betting companies has been using influencers to push their app or company. Companies pay influencers, such as NELK Golf, to promote their sports book in exchange for a payment. NELK has a channel based around drinking, partying, and golfing, which attracts young men who are most likely to bet. It has proven highly effective and brought in the clientele they are aiming for. As sports betting has become more popular with women, a similar approach is expected to take place in the next few years, with popular female influencers receiving sponsorships from betting companies to promote their company. 
  2. Mobile-Friendly Platforms: Creating apps that are easily accessible from your phone or device will ensure a quick user experience, enhancing engagement. The sports betting app Rithmm allows users to access bet picks from any device at their leisure. 
  3. Community Building: Fostering a sense of community with female bettors through organized groups and online communities is a great way to build lasting connections. These socials encourage females to work together and inspire other bettors. 

Educating and Building Trust

  1. Educational Content: By offering resources and guides, women in sports betting can gain more insights. The terminology used can allow women to make smarter betting choices. 
  2. Transparency and Trustworthiness: Creating a sustainable system with 24/7 support is a small detail that often gets overlooked. Maintaining transparency in betting approaches and ensuring quick and accurate responses is a small step that can elevate your business. It can be as easy as creating a channel for any difficulties with a guaranteed response.
  3. Showcasing Success Stories: Celebrating and highlighting female experiences can encourage others to give it a try. Furthermore, sharing real-life experiences can connect individuals and uplift one another in their betting endeavors.

Overcoming Potential Pitfalls

Avoiding Stereotypes: When creating marketing strategies, it is essential to be mindful and respectful of stereotypes. There is a thin line between women’s themed and women’s stereotyped campaigns. Navigating appropriate campaigns can be difficult but with proper research and analytics it is achievable. 

Addressing Privacy and Security Concerns: Building trust with female users is essential in maintaining customer clientele. Implementing strong security measures will reassure female bettors’ privacy. Sports betting companies already take pride in their security efforts, so this one is more of a reiteration of a bigger idea. Women want to feel safe, and explaining where their data is being used and having quick, reliable, and accurate systems to help them is key. 

Empowering Women: LolaLSports’ Insights & Predictions

As a woman passionate about sports, I specialize in writing articles for the BV Digital Marketing Agency and the AI sports company Rithmm. In my latest post, I predicted Scottie Scheffler would win the RBC Heritage Tournament.

The article included how to bet, what each bet is in-depth, and insights into the course, injuries, weather, and previous outcomes. To discover more, read my article here. My writing offers valuable insights into sports games and players. I aim to provide an inclusive space where female sports enthusiasts can engage and learn more about betting and sports.

Additionally, I post daily bets and predictions on Twitter. Through my content, I aim to empower and inspire women to celebrate the excitement of sports betting and make knowledgeable decisions. If you want to follow my sports journey and betting picks, follow me on Twitter @LolaLSports

To learn how BV can help you market your sports betting services to women more effectively, schedule a call. One of our sports betting marketing experts will walk you through the process of building a brand that attracts women betters and discuss our previous success stories.

Learn more about our services here:

Lola Larson

Lola is a sports marketing intern at BV, a sports betting digital marketing agency. She loves sports and contributes to the sports industry by crafting engaging stories and highlighting diverse voices in her content marketing. She is a lifelong athlete currently majoring in sports broadcasting at the College of Marin.